久久久久久蜜桃一区二区 欧洲美女大胆潮喷 精品少妇熟女ⅤⅤ免费久久久免费 超碰五月天亚洲论坛



CAS: 67-63-0

Quality standards: 99.8%

Origin: domestic

Packing: 160kg/pail

Properties: colorless transparent flammable liquid with a similar odor to ethanol. 

Melting point: 88.5 ℃

Freezing point: 89.5 ℃

Boiling point: 82.45 ℃

Vapor pressure: (20 ℃) 4.4 kPa

Relative density: 0.7855 (20/4 ℃)

Index of refraction: 1.3772

Viscosity: (20 ℃) 2.4 mPa, s

Flash: 22 ℃, spontaneous combustion in air cap of 7.99%, 2.02% lower limit. 

It can be mixed with water, ethanol, ether and chloroform, which can be used in paint, ink, extraction agent, aerosol.Also can be used as an antifreeze, detergents, harmonic gasoline additive, the pigment dispersant production, printing and dyeing industries fixative, glass and transparent plastic antifoggant and so on.

@ 2016 ShangHaiYaYu Biomedical co.,ltd TEL:021-54370211、54370255、54370355 FAX:021-54370255

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