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Potassium iodide


Name: potassium iodide

Potassium iodide (molecular formula: KI relative molecular weight: 166.00) 1. Properties: colorless cubic crystal or white, odorless, has a strong bitter salty, is in the air easy free of iodine is yellow.Soluble in ethanol, acetone, methanol, glycerol and liquid chlorine, soluble in ethyl ether, soluble in water, heat in solution, aqueous solution is neutral or slightly acidic.

Purpose: to make the raw materials of iodine and dyestuff, the medicament of the thyroid gland, the opaque absorbent, the expectorant and diuretics.The tourism materials industry is used as a photosensitive emulsifier and color photo mordant.It is also used as food additives, flux and lithographic printing, as well as analytical reagents, color analysis and drip analysis.

The standard of potassium iodide (Q / 70890657 - x.6-2009) is based on CP2000

@ 2016 ShangHaiYaYu Biomedical co.,ltd TEL:021-54370211、54370255、54370355 FAX:021-54370255

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